Writing: granularity

December 4th, 2006 by jose

There is an invited post over at  by Michael Leddy, an English professor who recommends that we should divide major actions (such as “write term paper”) into smaller, more doable tasks (NAs in GTD’s parlance). I think this could be a good read for students, and even for academics; Most of us keep this partitioning into smaller tasks “in our heads”; making it explicit and dumping it into paper might help with things such as time estimation… a consistent problem I have is that I never know how long I will need to finish a paper. This is one of the reasons I posted before that we need to decompose tasks to be able to track progress better.


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One Response to “Writing: granularity”

  1. academic productivity » Bias and Accuracy in Estimates of Task Duration using Academic Tasks Says:

    [...] It seems that improving your estimation skills can take you a long way. Currently I’m trying to construct a todo list with all steps that a project needs till completion (using the granularity ideas previously mentioned, and the program toDoList with time estimation visible next to each task). Hopefully I won’t be late for my next deadline, which is in 15 days! [...]

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