
Academic Productivity is a survival guide for the 21st century researcher. Written by a small team of academics focusing on the topics on knowledge acquisition, production and dissemination, new technologies and productivity strategies. (more)


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blog [at] academicproductivity [dot] com

The Authors


Jose wanted to be a matador, an acrobatic pilot, or a painter, but found those activities not demanding enough, so he chose an academic career. He secretly hopes to orchestrate a system that produces papers without any human intervention (particularly, his).

Shane is a post doctoral researcher in York, UK. When not running marathons, and running around being busy, he wonders whether if he literally means running when he says he is running around, or if it is just a metaphor.

  • posts by shane

soho shooting

Dario is a compulsive geek interested in human cognition and information technology. Based in London, currently a research fellow at the University of Surrey. He enjoys writing on social computing, information foraging and raw seafood, occasionally.

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posts by dario


James started contributing to after taking a wrong turn on a typography website. His productivity tips have all been stress-tested at Imperial College London, where he’s a researcher on urban energy systems.

James’ personal homepage

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